Say 'ME' now
I needed a reminder today, I needed to ask myself some questions and really listen to my rational self, well, the the most rational part of myself that I have. She constantly tells me to do stupid things or drink too much rum, but I tried to put her into gear today on the straight and narrow and I feel like I have given myself a good kick up the arse. I want to write, I want to write as my career, I have doubted myself for so long and I am trying soooo bloody hard to tell myself to crack on and go for what I want, not tomorrow, or next week or next year, I need to do it TODAY. I am going to be a published author, that is a reality, years of crippling voices in my head told me I wasn’t good enough, no one would read it, it is all a load of rubbish but if I don’t believe in myself, no one else is going to either. I looked at my old blog today and came across a blog written 6 years ago called ‘5 things to tell your daughter.’ It made me laugh, cry an...