
Showing posts from January, 2021

Slow Cooker Bants 🤣

You know you are in your 30's when you laugh at slow cooker bants on the slow cooker page you have recently joined and also a bit of you is raging at that guy...

Now you are 30!

30?! How the bloody hell did that happen? Just yesterday you were handing your fake ID over to a bouncer in town fluttering your spider lashes and dancing around your handbag till 3am (ok the dancing round the handbag bit might still be valid), but you are now going into your 3 rd decade and with that comes the expectation that you should know what you are doing in life... Ha, yes.... SHOULD, but most of us are still just trying to make it through the day   without getting arrested, sacked or dumped,  to repeat it all again tomorrow. So this blog is going to help us all as we go into our 30's and beyond, we are in this together!  Let's smash our 30's...